In 2002, during preparing the festivity for 40 years of my presence on the musical and other scenes, for the first time I became aware of already then huge number of recordings of my concerts or studio sessions.


Mostly recorded with (mono) tape recorder on musicassettes and only since 1996 with a DAT-recorder (later with Minidisk recorder too) they represented well at least my early and traditional (world) music activities from 1970 on. The earlier recordings, with our rock ”band” Pirati/Uskoci unfortunately have been lost. All recordings until 1980 have been recorded by my first wife, late Maja Karlović from Zadar.


In 2002, I decided to call this collection ”Igor Pomykalo Archives”. Beside recordings, IPA was containing the programs, photos, reviews, my own articles and texts of several serials I wrote and moderated on the third, cultural, programme of Radio Zagreb from 1971-1976., Radio Zadar etc.


Of course, the quality of those live recordings is not always the best but they have their importance as documents of their time particularly witnessing the birth and the development of early music revival in my homeland, Croatia (then in ex Yugoslavia).


In 2022, after finishing another double CD with my old and some new recordings of rock and “medieval” rock music, for the first time the idea of Concertini Immaginari appeared and crystalized. So, I started to search, organize and prepare for public the whole IP Sound and Video Library.


I went through all possible known and hidden items and even after so many time and repeated listenings have been able to discover some more interesting and useful recordings. At the end I come to an astonishing definitive number of 155 items!


Now, my aim is to go through all those recordings and prepare two versions; one in wave format for my own archive and other in mp3 format which will successively be published on this home page and will be available for free (as always) for download to anybody interested. When existing, the recordings will be accompanied by other materials such as programs, photos etc. 


The detailed list(s) of this collection and the part already available will be published from time to time on this HP and in my several FB groups.


If interested, you can give to me your e-mail adress so I can inform you about the procedure of this project.

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