SIMM ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 30th of December 2024


Hi! After two years and great success of my serial CONCERTINI IMMAGINARI (started on 30th December of 2022 and recently reaching the number of 32 subscribers) I decide to start with another project, a serial SCUOLA IMMAGINARIA DELLA LIRA. 


The first introductory video will have its premiere again on my (this time 78th) birthday, on 30th December this year. It will not be a new, separate, channel but will be included to my 38 videos devoted to the lira da braccio and lira da gamba/ lirone under the name Igor LIRAFORUM Pomykalo, which officially exists since 2019, but the videos have been uploaded to YT already in 2010 and 2011.


The new serial will be devoted to both lira, da braccio and da gamba (known also as lirone or arciviolata, arciviolata lira etc.) and could serve primarily as a help and source of the practical information about technique of playing of both lire. Also it could give many interesting and useful information to all people interested in those fascinating but mysterious instruments of the renaissance and early baroque period.


Because of their importance and crucial role for the re-creation of the performance practice of those past periods, the announcements about each and every premiere will be published in all other of my channels on the YT, as for instance Igor Pomykalo Early Music (180 subscribers) and CONCERTINI IMMAGINARI (32 subscribers).


Also, the same announcements will be published on my groups on Facebook, devoted to similar topic.


So, see you soon! Igor


Here is the link for SIMM No. 0, from 30.12.2024:


Additional material text etc you can download here:


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